"For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever."

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The First Tooth Is Here

Sweet Griffin.

I have not posted on here in so long.  I keep updated on Facebook but haven't written my thoughts down here in awhile.  You have had big moments, but none have made me feel like time is going by fast.  None have made me realize you are soon going to be losing your "infantness".  You have taken newborn baths, infant baths, and have floated in a real bath to practice your swimming.  You started eating solids and were good at it right off the bat.  You have outgrown all of your first year clothing and we are only halfway through your first year.

But nothing prepared me for how I felt when I saw that little white tip of your tooth sticking out of your gums.  A very soft but abrupt pang of sadness hit me in my gut.  My baby, my sweet infant baby, is getting teeth like a regular person.  Like all of the kids and teenagers and grownups have.  That tooth that is taking so long to come in is reminding me of your impending toddlerhood; an unstoppable, natural progression of life that I am not ready for yet.

Because while I am thrilled to see what a crawling Griffin does, what a talking Griffin does, and what a walking Griffin does, I am also keenly aware that you will continue to outgrow your infantness as you hit each milestone along the way.  That eventually I will look at you in your adorable toddlerhood and realize the only way I will see you as a baby again is through my photo album.  Thank God I have taken at least 2,000 pictures.

I can't believe this silly little tooth is making me nostalgic about something that hasn't happened yet.  But it has and I must deal with that.  I have plenty of time to enjoy you as a baby and I am planning on soaking up as much of it as I possibly can.

I love you so much, Baby Griffin.