"For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever."

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

18 Weeks- Feeling Great!

I am finally at the point in this pregnancy where I am not crazy impatient or ridiculously worried. I feel very healthy, have fairly insignificant symptoms, and am finally showing. From here on out, I think I will be able to enjoy this pregnancy without too much fear.
While showing has been exciting and fun for me, the best moment came while Caleb and I were watching an old 90's TV mini-series called The Stand. Halfway through watching this ridiculous excuse of a show, Little Baby J tapped me four times to let me know "I'm here! Pay attention to me!". Since then, I have been patiently but fervently waiting for each and every little tap. Every day, they seem to get a little bit stronger. It is so amazing to me that even days can add so much strength to this baby. Now I can tell a little better when Little Baby J is moving, and I felt my first kick yesterday. Still gentle, nothing startling, but a little kick nonetheless.
I was telling a friend that I have always thought that pregnancy seemed kind of magical but really creepy. A person growing inside a person. So I always expected that feeling the baby moving would be awesome but would also freak me out. For all of you out there creeped out by the idea, I am here to say that it has been anything but creepy. It is a wonderfully gentle little reminder that your baby is safe and happy. I just adore it.
Two weeks until we can find out what gender the baby is! I can't wait!!! If you haven't voted in my poll, please do! I really really want to know what everyone is thinking :).

1 comment:

  1. Still praying for you and baby! Can't wait to see how cute he/she will be! :)
