"For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

19 Weeks - Happy Heartbeat

We had our 19 week appointment today. I LOVE these appointments, because they are the greatest reassurance that everything is going well. When the nurse listened to the heartbeat, it was steady and fast, at 161bpm. She had no trouble finding it, it just started the second she put the heartbeat-measuring-thing on my tummy. It is a very cool sound.
The doctor checked me and said everything was perfect and if I didn't have any issues, then I was free to go. Having gone through last year and the miscarriage, it continues to astonish me that you can have these great doctor's appointments where everything goes perfectly. At this point in the pregnancy, I am very reassured that everything is fine and I rarely stress anymore. Even though I am not worried anymore, I still end up flying high as a kite after every perfect appointment.
Caleb and I spent the weekend at his sister and brother-in-law's house down in Gilman, IL. It was a great weekend of fun and relaxation. Baby and I went to our first drive-in movie, which was a highlight of my life. I took the best bubble bath in the world (bubbles everywhere!) and had a great grill-out with Alissa and Dave's family. Little Baby J continued to make it's presence known more and more...kicking, squirming, moving, etc. Caleb still can't feel it yet, but this baby is getting stronger and stronger, he should be able to feel it soon.
One and half more weeks until "The Ultrasound". According to the poll, there are a lot of you thinking Little Baby J is a little baby boy. A few proudly think it's a little baby girl. I can tell you that at this point, I am so excited for either one that I might be a little disappointed either way!! :) We found some great girl names this weekend, so we finally have some good names lined up for however this ultrasound turns out.

This is sooooooooooooooooo much fun now!! I am so glad this pregnancy became fun!!!

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