"For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever."

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's a Boy!!

What a DAY.

When I woke up, the sun was shining, the grass was glistening, and the air smelled like spring. I went into work and the students at Aveda wore pink or blue today based on what they thought the gender of the baby was going to be, which was so fun. Totally meant to take a picture to document it, sorry Little Baby. You and I got a lot of love today, though, trust me.

For those of you who don't know, despite my normally calm exterior, my nerves and anxiety can hit all time highs on days such as these. I become CRAZY. And that is exactly what happened. My mind was racing...boy....girl....make sure you drink enough water....boy.....girl....am I drinking too much water.....boy...girl.....which one is it?! I suck at focusing on work or other people and become completely self-involved (my apologies everyone). Minutes tick by. Life slows. And for these brief times when I devolve into madness, I need to be checked into a mental hospital.

Finally around noon, Caleb picked me up for the appointment. I was a chatterbox and was annoying even myself. Five minutes into the car ride, Caleb goes, "Turn this way so I can slap you." To which I responded with an obnoxious laugh and more inane babble.

And finally.......The Ultrasound. Seeing Little Baby J in perfectly cute baby form for the first time was fantastic. Anxiety went out the window in a flash. This baby is just perfect. As the ultrasound tech took snapshots and documented various body parts on the screen, I would comment, "Oh! Two legs! That's a good thing!" and she would laugh and say "Yes, that is a very good thing.". "Oh! Such a nicely shaped head! Good job, Baby J!" She made measurements for a good 20 minutes before asking if we wanted to know the gender. When she said it was a boy, Caleb VERY AUDIBLY said, "YESSSSSSS!!!". We truly were happy either way, but we are thrilled to have a little boy.

Telling everyone has been a great joy, and I sooooo appreciate all of the love and support. I am so thankful for this beautiful pregnancy; my hopes had been hurt so badly by the previous pregnancy that my joy is so incredibly strong for this healthy, perfect little one.

"Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable." ~Plato

I can hardly wait :).

1 comment:

  1. SOOO EXCITED for you both! Kyle's response was very similar to Caleb's when he found out we were having a boy!
